Innovative Education
Mentored Clinical Research Training
Mentored Clinical Research Training
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The Mentored Clinical Research Training Program (MCRTP ), a collaborative initiative between Weill Cornell Medicine and Houston Methodist, trains early-career physicians in clinical research practices.
The program provides participants with an introduction to the foundations of clinical research, including research design and methodologies, data management and analysis, and the regulatory process. As part of the program, physicians and senior fellows prepare an IRB-submission-ready clinical research proposal and submit it to an external funding agency for consideration. Mentor-guided development of individual clinical research project proposals continues following the workshop, and experienced clinical researchers at Weill Cornell and Houston Methodist provide support while participants progress in their clinical research projects.
Rose Khavari
, MD
Rose Khavari, MD

In 2015, Rose Khavari, MD, became the first recipient of the Clinician Scientist Scholar Fellowship at Houston Methodist and now leads a team of clinician researchers in the Neurourology and Translational Urology Clinic to advance the treatment and care of patients experiencing bladder dysfunction. Khavari was named a 2016 American Urological Association/European Association of Urology Academic Exchange Program Scholar. As part of this program, Khavari attended the 2016 EAU Annual Meeting in Munich, Germany, and also visited hospitals in the UK, Belgium, Italy and Germany to collaborate on research projects, observe urologic procedures and attend staff activities and clinics. Khavari also received a 2016 American Urological Association Early Career Achievement Showcase Award.
Eric Salazar, MD, PhD

Eric Salazar, MD, PhD, completed his anatomic and clinical pathology residency, and blood banking and transfusion medicine fellowships as chief resident and then chief fellow in the Department of Pathology and Genomic Medicine at Houston Methodist. He was appointed assistant professor of pathology and genomic medicine and began the MCRTP program in 2017 to advance his research in transfusion medicine and coagulation. Salazar received his MD from Weill Cornell Medical College and his PhD in pharmacology from the Weill Cornell Graduate School of Medical Sciences as part of the Tri-Institutional MD-PhD program in New York City.
Eric Salazar
, MD, PhD
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