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Residency Match Day Event for EnMed Students

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Recently, students in the EnMed program – a collaboration between Texas A&M University’s School of Engineering Medicine and Houston Methodist – were matched as part of the National Resident Matching Program with residency programs for the second consecutive year. Thirty-four students were matched with residencies.
We are so incredibly proud of our Class of 2024 matching with residencies all over the U.S.! They worked so hard over the last four years and to see their efforts come to fruition was indeed a momentous occasion.
Amy Wright, Ed.D, MBA
Director of Educational Partnerships
This summer, 75 medical students were matched with Houston Methodist and will begin their first year as residents. Of the new residents, 60 are graduating from U.S. medical schools, including 38 new residents from Texas medical schools. None of the residency programs required the Supplemental Offer and Acceptance Program to fill spots.
Graduate medical education
Timothy Boone, MD, PhD
Craig C. Brown and Suzanne H. Smith Centennial Chair in Medical Education Chief Education Officer Professor of Urology Director, Regenerative Medicine Program
Designated Institutional Official Weill Cornell Medical College
Lara Colton, MD, MEd, FACP
Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine  Houston Methodist Academic Institute Designated Institutional Official (DIO) Graduate Medical Education
60 U.S. Graduates
from Texas
from other U.S. Medical Schools
Urology positions in American Urological Association Match
(EnMed; Univ. Minnesota SOM; Univ. South Carolina SOM)
International Universities
Aga Khan University
Tanta University
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Tec de Monterrey School of Medicine and Health Sciences
C.M.H. Lahore Medical College
University Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah
Jinnah Sindh Medical University
Univerisdad Americana
King Edward Medical University
Alexandria University
Mu’Tah University
University of Jordan
Graduate medical education
Timothy Boone, MD, PhD
Craig C. Brown and Suzanne H. Smith Centennial Chair in Medical Education Chief Education Officer Professor of Urology Director, Regenerative Medicine Program
Designated Institutional Official Weill Cornell Medical College
Lara Colton, MD
Associate Professor, Clinical Medicine
GME Designated Institutional Official
Houston Methodist
Weill Cornell Medical College
60 U.S. Graduates
from Texas
from other U.S. Medical Schools
Urology positions in American Urological Association Match
International Universities
Aga Khan University
Tanta University
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Tec de Monterrey School of Medicine and Health Sciences
C.M.H. Lahore Medical College
University Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah
Jinnah Sindh Medical University
Univerisdad Americana
King Edward Medical University
Alexandria University
Mu’Tah University
University of Jordan
The Texas A&M University Health Science Center Partnership (TAMU HSC) team of the Houston Methodist Hospital worked alongside the Preclerkship team of the Texas A&M University School of Engineering Medicine (EnMed) to ensure a successful MATCH Day event for the Class of 2024 EnMed Medical Students. Stations were created for the team to divide and conquer, before, during, and after the event.
Marquee letters and a balloon arrangement was being set up for the EnMed Class of 2024 MATCH Day event at the TMC3 Helix Park. This was used as a place for students to take pictures after discovering which residency programs they matched to.
Guest arriving to the EnMed Class of 2024 MATCH Day event at the TMC3 Helix Park. This seating area was for the students and their families. The students would walk across the stage to receive their MATCH letter, as their name was called, then return to their seats and wait until 11AM to open their letters together – this is the time that letters are opened across the nation.
“I MATCHED!” signs were provided for each student to fill in their specialty and institution information, after opening their letter. Students took pictures with their personalized signs and took them home as a keepsake. Customized MATCH cookies were also provided as a sweet treat for each student!
The MATCH Day event ceremony was being presented by the Dean of School of Engineering Medicine, Roderic I. Pettigrew, PhD, MD, and the Assistant Dean of Student Affairs of School of Engineering Medicine; and Director of Educational Partnerships within Houston Methodist Hospital, Amy Wright, MBA, EdD.
The Dean of School of Engineering Medicine, Roderic I. Pettigrew, PhD, MD, and the Assistant Dean of Student Affairs of School of Engineering Medicine; and Director of Educational Partnerships within Houston Methodist Hospital, Amy Wright, MBA, EdD, along with the Associate Dean School of Engineering Medicine, Timothy Boone, PhD, MD. The leadership team was on stage congratulating the students as they received their match letters.
Class of 2024 EnMed student, Caleb Haeussler, receiving his match letter. Residency: Family Medicine OhioHealth - Riverside Methodist Columbus, OH
Class of 2024 EnMed student, Austin Hagen, and his partner, receiving their match letters. The two students chose to couples match. Residency: Family Medicine Baylor Scott & White Medical Center, Temple, TX
Class of 2024 EnMed student, Adam Saleh, and his partner, receiving their match letters. The two students chose to couples match. Residency: Internal Medicine University of Texas Southwestern Medical School, Dallas, TX
Class of 2024 EnMed student, Cailin O’Connell, and her partner, Claire Hagen, receiving their match letters. The two students chose to couples match. Residency: Radiology - Diagnostic Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA Residency: Medicine - Preliminary Lankenau Medical Center, Wynnewood, PA
Class of 2024 EnMed students posing with their “I MATCHED!” signs, after discovering which specialty and institutions they matched to.
The Associate Dean of the School of Engineering Medicine, Timothy Boone, PhD, MD; The Associate Dean for Education of the School of Engineering Medicine, Doug Baxter, PhD; the Chief of Staff of the School of Engineering Medicine, Jag Grooms, MPA; and the Director of Enrollment & Academic Services, John Louis Bolch, MA, participating in fishbowl tradition of A&M, where the last student who goes up to receive their match letter also receives the fishbowl of the group contributions.
Abanti Chattopadhyay, PhD
May 2024
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