Outcomes research
Joint Symposium Weaves Bioengineering Seamlessly with Cardiovascular Nanomedicine
Joint Symposium Weaves Bioengineering Seamlessly with Cardiovascular Nanomedicine
Houston Methodist hosts the 2024 George and Angelina Kostas Research Center for Cardiovascular Nanomedicine Symposium and the 8th Annual National Institutes of Health Progenitor Cell and Translational Medicine in Cardiovascular Bioengineering Symposium.
Houston Methodist hosts the 2024 George and Angelina Kostas Research Center for Cardiovascular Nanomedicine Symposium and the 8th Annual National Institutes of Health Progenitor Cell and Translational Medicine in Cardiovascular Bioengineering Symposium.
For the first time, Houston Methodist is hosting a combined symposium featuring the George and Angelina Kostas Research Center for Cardiovascular Nanomedicine Symposium and the 8th Annual National Institutes of Health Progenitor Cell and Translational Medicine in Cardiovascular Bioengineering Symposium, May 22-25.
The hybrid event, in-person and virtual, brings together the world’s top cardiovascular scientists and bioengineers to exchange ideas on cutting-edge developments in translational cardiovascular nanotechnology and bioengineering.
Opening Remark Speakers

John P. Cooke, MD, PhD
Houston Methodist’s John P. Cooke, MD, PhD, Joseph C. “Rusty” Walter and Carole Walter Looke Presidential Distinguished Chair in Cardiovascular Disease and Director, Center for Cardiovascular Regeneration, will kick off the event with opening remarks on May 22 featuring:
Jianyi (Jay) Zhang, MD, PhD
T. Michael and Gillian Goodrich Endowed Chair of Engineering Leadership, Chair, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Professor of Medicine and Engineering, School of Medicine, School of Engineering, The University of Alabama at Birmingham
Roderic Pettigrew, MD, PhD
Robert A Welch Professor of Medicine, Inaugural/Executive Dean, School of Engineering Medicine (EnMed), Texas A&M University and Houston Methodist, CEO Engineering Health (EnHealth)
Denis Buxton, PhD
Associate Division Director National Institutes of Health National Heart Lung and Blood Institute
Michael L. Terrin, MDCM, MPH
Professor, Epidemiology and Public Health, University of Maryland, PI, NHLBI Progenitor Cell Biology Consortium Administrative Coordinating Center, PI, NHLBI Progenitor Cell Translational Consortium Administrative Coordinating Center National Institutes of Health (NIH), NHLBI
Featured Guest speakers include Victor J. Dzau, MD, President, National Academy of Medicine; Joseph A. Hill, MD, PhD, Editor-in-Chief, Circulation; and Joseph C. Wu, MD, PhD, FAHA, President, American Heart Association, will contribute their perspectives, as well as leading scientists, engineers and clinician-investigators in cardiovascular cell therapy, gene editing, mRNA therapeutics, bioengineering and nanomedicine.
In addition to exceptional speakers, the symposium is also hosting a Cardiovascular Nanomedicine “Shark Tank™” competition at The New Frontier of RNA Nanotherapeutics conference on May 25. Three research teams will be selected to pitch their innovative ideas in the field of cardiovascular nanomedicine to a panel of judges. Each team will have five minutes to present, followed by 10 minutes of discussion. Criteria include innovation that solves a cardiovascular problem with enough preliminary data to demonstrate feasibility, and a target product profile and plan for clinical development. The judges (Sharks) will vote on the winning project deemed, “the most likely to be translated to clinic.”
This year’s joint symposium is an intentional program that weaves bioengineering seamlessly with cardiovascular nanomedicine for a cohesive and informative meeting. This allows cultivation of relationships between people in different fields who wouldn’t necessarily have the opportunity to meet at more traditional conferences.
“In addition to networking with world renowned researchers and physicians, it’s an exciting opportunity for researchers to meet and receive feedback from those in the funding trenches to learn what types of projects that are of interest or those they would like to see come across their desk,” said Elizabeth Davis, PhD, Associate Research Professor in the Department of Cardiovascular Sciences and one of the coordinators of the symposium.
In addition to networking with world renowned researchers and physicians, it’s an exciting opportunity for researchers to meet and receive feedback from those in the funding trenches to learn what types of projects that are of interest or those they would like to see come across their desk.
Elizabeth Davis, PhD
Associate Research Professor
Department of Cardiovascular Sciences
John Cooke MD, PhD, (center) Joseph C. “Rusty” Walter and Carole Walter Looke Presidential Distinguished Chair in Cardiovascular Disease and Director, Center for Cardiovascular Regeneration.
With Cynthia (left) and Georgia Kostas
Davis also emphasized the importance of the benefactors sponsoring the symposium. “It wouldn’t be possible without the support of Cynthia and Georgia Kostas through the George and Angelina Kostas Foundation and the George and Angelina Kostas Research Center for Cardiovascular Nanomedicine at Houston Methodist. Their unwavering and generous support has been, and remains, essential to the symposium’s success,” she said. Additional sponsors symposium this year include:
- Progenitor Cell Translational Consortium, National Heart Lung and Blood Institute
- Avantor
- Histowitz
- MedChemExpress
- ThermoFisher
- NorvoNordisk
- HumanN
Scan the QR code above to register for the symposium.
Scientists, physicians, nurses, researchers, residents/fellows and other health care professionals (surgery, cardiovascular, nanomedicine) will benefit from this expanded symposium.
Visit the George and Angelina Kostas Research Center for Cardiovascular Nanomedicine YouTube channel for past conferences.
Registration information
May 2024